Revised August 12, 2024

A valid, written listing agreement is required prior to entering a listing into the BAREIS Plus database. Any listing modification or extension must be authorized by the seller in writing.

BAREIS MLS® accepts exclusive right to sell, seller reserved, open and probate listings. BAREIS may request documentation, including copies of listing and purchase agreements and seller authorizations.

BAREIS MLS® Rules:   Printable PDF

BAREIS Bylaws: Printable PDF

  • Property must be entered into the MLS within 3 days of signing the listing agreement. Changes in status must be entered within 3 days.
  • Residential
    • - Single Family Residence
    • - 2 Houses on Lot
    • - 3+ Houses on Lot
    • - Condominium
    • - Halfplex
    • - Manufactured Home
    • - Mobile Home on Land
    • - Modular
    • - Stock Cooperative
    • - Tenancy in Common
    • - Co-Ownership
    • - Townhouse
  • Residential Lease
    • - Apartment
    • - Single Family Residence
    • - Condominium
    • - Halfplex
    • - Manufactured
    • - Mobile Home on Land
    • - Modular
    • - Townhouse
  • Mobile in Park/Floating Home
    • - Floating Home
    • - Single Wide
    • - Double Wide
    • - Triple Wide
    • - Quad Wide
    • - Park Model
    • - Tag-A-Long
  • Land
    • - Commercial Acreage
    • - Commercial Lot
    • - Agriculture
    • - Industrial
    • - Recreation
    • - Residential Acreage
    • - Residential Lot
  • Commercial Sale
    • - Industrial
    • - Manufacturing
    • - Mixed Use
    • - Office
    • - Retail
    • - Warehouse
    • - Research & Development
  • Commercial Lease
    • - Industrial
    • - Manufacturing
    • - Mixed Use
    • - Office
    • - Retail
    • - Warehouse
    • - Research & Development
  • Residential Income
    • - Duplex
    • - Triplex
    • - Quadruplex
    • - 5 or More Units
  • Business Opportunity
  • Click here for more information regarding BAREIS property classifications.
  • A property may not be entered into more than one property type unless the property meets the Duplicate Listing Guidelines as set by BAREIS MLS®. To view the guidelines for the BAREIS Plus database click here. Unapproved Duplicate Listings will be withdrawn/cancelled from the MLS.
  • You cannot change Original List Price, Listing Date or the Address without MLS assistance. To have these modified, send your request in writing or on a Listing Change Form along with the listing agreement. The form is available on by clicking here.

  • The List Date is the date that all necessary signatures have been obtained on the listing agreement or the effective date of the contract, whichever is later.
  • BAREIS Plus has a field for On-Market Date. This is the date the listing should be available and on the market and will be visible to other members on the MLS database. This would be the same as the list date unless the seller does not permit the listing to be included in the MLS database at the time the listing is taken.
  • Days On-Market begins calculating from the On-Market Date until the listing becomes Pending. DOM will reset after a listing has been Withdrawn/Cancelled or Expired and a new listing agreement has been signed.

  • Cumulative Days On-Market tracks the total time on market for a property, regardless of brokerage. CDOM will reset after a listing has been Withdrawn/Cancelled or Expired for more than 30 days and a new listing agreement has been signed.
  • The private remarks data field is intended to contain agent-to-agent remarks, showing instructions, financing or escrow information, contact information, and any information deemed confidential pursuant to BAREIS MLS® Rules. “For Comp Purposes Only” must appear in the first line of the private remarks when a listing is entered for that purpose.
  • The public remarks field is restricted to the physical description and condition of the property. No contact information, website addresses, showing instructions or information directed toward real estate agents or brokers may be shown in the public remarks field. Public remarks appear on client reports and on the public Websites in which BAREIS MLS® participates.
  • Click here for Guidelines to Property Use of Public Remarks Fields.
  • When entering a future date in the On Market Date field, the listing will show up as Unapproved. These listings are suppressed from the market and can only be viewed by the listing agent, broker and BAREIS MLS® Staff. The listing will automatically approve upon the on market date and will then be live on the system for other members to view.
  • A property must be Withdrawn/Cancelled or Expired in the MLS before it may be re-entered as a New listing in the MLS. A new listing agreement is required.
  • A complete list of the status definitions is available on the BAREIS Plus database by clicking here.